Tuesday, August 25, 2009

If Jesus walked the earth today in Canada and most European countries, He would be an oft-convicted "hate criminal." In some hate laws countries it is now an indictable offense to publicly criticize Jesus' primary target: sinners in need of God's love and salvation!

Five years ago, a northern Canadian Christian called to tell me he had been passing out gospel tracts in his town when a police officer informed him that provincial law now banned such "hate speech." If he kept witnessing, he would be arrested.

In Holland, Dutch relatives plead with us to keep hate laws from coming to America. There, anyone who publicly criticizes "sinners" (such as fornicators, adulterers, or homosexuals) faces arrest.

In Iceland, virtually any critical public speech is a hate crime.

In England, even wearing a cross is a hate crime. The government sees it as judgmental against non-Christians.

Because Jesus boldly, publicly reproved all sinners regardless of consequences to Himself, He would now suffer multiple arrests, imprisonments, and huge legal costs if He lived in most hate law countries.

There is one hate crime for which He would suffer the most: being an "anti-Semite." The Jewish Anti-Defamation League created hate laws. Anti-Christian Jewish-dominated attack-groups such as ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, People for the American Way and the American Civil Liberties Union are the spiritual and physical descendants of those Jesus excoriated: the Pharisees. ADL has made sure that in all of its hate law bureaucracies worldwide, any criticism of matters Jewish is deemed anti-Semitic and punished severely.

History of Jewish "Speech Criminals"

In ancient Israel, under leadership of false priests, prophets, and evil kings, it was as much a speech crime to criticize the Jewish people as it is in Canada today. One of Jesus' first acts of public "anti-Semitism" occurred in his home synagogue of Nazareth. Standing before the congregation, He criticized the unworthiness of most Jews during the history of Israel. His listeners were so enraged they tried to throw him over a cliff! (Luke 6:16-30) Three years later their leaders finally succeeded in having him crucified. If these Jews lived in Canada today, they would surely have filed a hate crimes charge against Jesus for holding the Jewish people up to "hatred and contempt." The Pharisees would have filed charges for each of His dozens of accusations against them. Each charge of Jewish hurt feelings would bring a $5,000 fine. Of course, Jesus would repeat the offense and face many contempt of court charges and years of imprisonment as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines and legal costs.

All the greatest Hebrew prophets would join Him in prison. Ahab accused Elijah of the "anti-Semitic" crime of troubling Israel. Ahab declared him to be Israel's most wanted hate criminal for criticizing its sin and bringing three years of drought. Jeremiah was repeatedly accused by both laity and leaders of speaking against the Jewish people and their holy city. For this they threw him in a well to die. In almost every age, going back to Israel's exodus from Egypt, evil Jewish leaders forbade criticism of God's chosen people. During the Exodus the rebels of Korah said, "all the congregation is holy… and the Lord is among them." (Deuteronomy 16:3) They denounced Moses as an enemy of the people for criticizing and judging evil Hebrews.

Since then history has recorded the rise of Pharisaism and enshrinement of their Talmud and Zohar as the highest religious guide to Jews of all time. Today Talmudic Jews still consider it very wrong, even blasphemous, for any Gentile to criticize the Chosen Race. In fact, ADL's Office of Global Anti-Semitism in the US State Department says any "strong" criticism of Israel, including its leaders or military, is anti-semitic.

Could America become an environment as hostile as ancient Israel, imprisoning or even eventually killing those who criticize the Jews? We are moving rapidly in that direction. ADL's federal hate crimes bill, recently passed by the US House and Senate, is designed to transform America into a speech crimes tyranny just like ancient Israel under its most oppressive leadership.

Yet because Jewish-dominated media gives the hate bill issue virtually no attention, wanting the hate bill passed without discussion, even most Conservatives consider it minor legislation. (See, "
Jews Confirm Big Media is Jewish") Result: most of the tens of thousands of tea-party tax and town hall protesters have not included the hate bill in their criticisms of the Democrats this spring and summer.

In reality, the hate bill is by far the most dangerous legislation ever passed by the House and Senate. It is designed to lead directly to the end of free speech and subsequent loss of all other freedoms in America. In the remaining weeks before it goes to the President for signing, Americans must speak out in their protest-gatherings. We must bombard Obama with demands he not sign it - on penalty of massive damage to the Democrats in next year's midterm elections.

Last Minute Opportunity

We are very, very late in effectively protesting the hate bill. Yet a window of opportunity is opening. Obama threatens to veto the National Defense Appropriations Bill with hate bill attached, if it contains too much military "pork." Congressional leaders seem determined to defy the President and include excessive arms spending. There now exists a real possibility that the defense/hate bill could be vetoed - especially if wide-spread hate bill protest increases. Democrats could be made to fear that they and the President might become even less popular, especially at mid-terms next year, if the President signs a hate bill most Americans hate.

We must seize this opportunity and

1. Protest the hate bill loudly at town hall meetings (Family Research Council lists all the upcoming town halls in your area, Click Here.) Attend with powerfully indicting questions contained in my recent e-alert "Blast Hate Bill at Town Hall Meetings!" at Truthtellers.org.
2. Fax the President at 1-202-456-2461 with this statement, "We will never forgive or forget if you sign the freedom-stealing, pedophile-protecting hate bill." (The toll free number to the President's comment line, 202-456-1111, is almost constantly busy as a result of health-care protest.)

Tragically, Christian/Conservatives, through two decades of general inattention to the hate law threat and relatively low opposition through winter and spring, are largely responsible for allowing the hate bill to pass both houses of Congress. Predictably, no major evangelical "watchdog" group has joined with me this summer in rousing last minute hate bill protests at town hall meetings, or bombarding the White House with faxes demanding the President not sign the bill.

The hate bill cobra, with a Star of David pattern on its throat, is still confined. Yet if finally released by the master snake charmer, Obama, it will slither forth to unerringly bite and torment one group above all others…

The followers of Jesus Christ.


Download and Distribute this "Hate Bill Ends Free Speech" Flyer, CLICK HERE.
Flyer Preview:

Let the Anti-Defamation League teach you how they have saddled 45 states with hate laws capable of persecuting Christians, and spearhead attempts to pass the federal hate crimes bill: http://www.adl.org/99hatecrime/intro.asp.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject. Call (503) 631-3808.

The freedom-saving outreach of Rev. Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network is solely supported by sale of books, videos and your financial support. All gifts are tax-deductible.

NATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Another reason to drop affirmative action

Is The Affirmative Action Frankenstein On Its Last Legs?
By Robert Weissberg
[Recently by Robert Weissberg: Some Other Memories of Madison and The New Left]
On a fateful September 28th in 1965, pursuant to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, President Lyndon Johnson signed Executive Order 11246 requiring the Department of Labor to "take Affirmative Action to ensure that applicants are employed" in firms doing business with the federal government regardless of race, creed, color or national origins.
Less than a decade later, like Frankenstein's monster or a mutant virus in some "B" science fiction/horror flick, "Affirmative Action" had grown grotesquely, far beyond its original modest intent, to infiltrate almost every corner of American life.
Now, what began as a temporary allegedly-compensatory push in 1965 is hardening into a government administered caste system. In a few years, we may have families where three generations have thrived thanks to racial preferences and set-asides.
Affirmative Action’s continued survival, even in the face of mounting opposition, is easily explained: mainstream white office-seekers, regardless of party or even ideology, are simply terrified of being labeled "racists". Recoiling from what could be a winning "mobilize the base" campaign strategy, they all either avoid the subject altogether or weasel out with vacuous rhetoric.
It is just assumed that to be anti-Affirmative Action is to be certified as "anti-black" or "anti-Hispanic"—and this is the kiss of death in today’s world of enlightened racial sensitivity. Ending preferences is further hindered since "assisting racial minorities" (even if the help is actually harmful) has become the respectable Motherhood and Apple Pie stance in public discourse.
Still, for the record, note that, for example, a 2009 Quinnipiac University national poll found that 73% of registered-to-vote Republicans endorsed ending racial preferences versus 18% in favor. Among registered independents, 63% wanted to abolish it.
And white support for Affirmative Action is paper thin, far less than what the Quinnipiac poll suggests. If public sentiments were measured by behavior, nearly all whites would avoid the consequences of Affirmative Action. Even white liberals (and for that matter well-off blacks) will pull their kids out of black-administered schools.
Just imagine if, as per the current Obamacare bill, federal grant-hungry medical schools flooded America with doctors recruited from "historically under-represented" groups—and whites using the "public option" were required to use them? At most, Affirmative Action doctors, teachers, lawyers and the like are tolerable only if exclusively serving "historically under-represented" populations—i.e., poor blacks and Hispanics who cannot escape.
My view: Ending the racial spoils system is not as hopeless as it might initially appear. The successful ballot initiatives in California, Washington and Michigan, all massively opposed by the political and business establishments, are only the visible outcroppings of underlying shift. Outside of those who material benefit from the spoils system, Affirmative Action is a slowly rotting policy awaiting collapse.
Potential office-seekers, notably Republicans, contemplating the plunge into seemingly shark-infested waters have more going for them than they recognize. Once a few brave souls test the waters, there may be a "me too" stampede akin to the sudden and totally unexpected collapse of the Evil Empire.
Begin by recognizing that few Americans born after 1965 (let alone recent immigrants) had any personal experience with the evils that Affirmative Action was designed to combat. The persistence of racial discrimination or lingering racism is not the issue; rather, unlike seeing "Colored" drinking fountains, legally segregated schools and similar vestiges of Jim Crow, race-related evils are extraordinary rare as personal knowledge to nearly all Americans.
Nearly all racial segregation is now voluntary or purely economic. Whites (and Asians) have to be taught—browbeaten might be a better word—about these past horrors and, moreover, that these evils remain as debilitating as ever, despite the billions in remediation and endless civil rights laws.
Indoctrination is so labored that its propagandistic purpose is almost comically self-evident, e.g., Black History Month with its litany of "more needs to be done" grievances and countless other lopsided media spectacles recounting, for the umpteenth time, the horrors of slavery and incapacitating racism.
Public consensus is misleading, since doubters who speak up may be shipped off to sensitivity training or have their public careers ruined. What brave soul would go on CNN to talk openly about race and IQ? This results in what Frederick R. Lynch called, in his Invisible Victims: White Males and the Crisis of Affirmative Action, called a "spiral of silence" whereby the majority assumes its doubts are not shared and suppresses them, thus collectively intimidating itself.
Perhaps because of this, liberal academics are especially energetic in sustaining the never-ending victimization narrative. One favorite is the study where job applicants with identical resumes are named "Richard" or "LaTishya", and Richard wins the job. Case closed—even if these exotic black names are closely associated with troublesome lower-class black work habits. In an odd sense, today’s champions of enduring race-related debilitation are the mirror opposites of Soviet propagandists pushing the vision of the Workers’ Paradise.
In fact, when it comes to personal knowledge, Americans 50 or younger have from early adolescence onward witnessed the very opposite—being taught by struggling teachers hired because of skin color, not competence; reading textbooks hailing Sojourner Truth or Harriet Tubman while slighting the slave-owning George Washington.
Official government pandering has become almost embarrassing—the US Post Office has issued 32 "Black Heritage" stamps commemorating notable blacks such as Carter G. Woodson, Anna Julia Cooper and convicted felon, Malcolm X. Nearly every city with a black population has its Martin Luther King, Jr. street.
Bright white high school seniors sweating out admission to prestige colleges know full well that their less-accomplished but "discriminated against" black and Hispanic classmates have the inside track. Ditto for the ubiquity of corporate sponsored "minority only" job fairs and the "women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply" boilerplate in all employment ads.
Sports fans must witness their NFL teams compelled to interview blacks for top position (including Head Coach) thanks to a self-imposed league agreement designed to deter litigation—the so-called "Rooney Rule". And what white public figure enjoys the diplomatic immunity bestowed on the likes of Jesse Jackson or the Rev. Al Sharpton?
This is truly an upside down world, in which millions of American are routinely hammered about some out-of-sight black victimization while personally witnessing the unequal benefits bestowed on blacks.
In short, as far as being privileged, black is the new white.
Running parallel are the mounting failures of Affirmative Action. Reality, despite endless messenger shooting, has steadfastly refused to cooperate with the social engineers.
And this reality is far more evident than some invisible racism or debilitating low expectations held by teachers infected with "institutional racism". Decades after Executive Order 11246 millions of whites encounter freshly-arrived black co-workers often needing extra help, or see promotions and pay raises parceled out to avoid "racial discrimination" litigation.
Even the politically correct Main Stream Media cannot avoid reporting rampant inner-city mayhem of drug-related gang violence, dysfunctional families and all the rest that was supposed to vanish eons ago thanks to government catch-up intervention.
Similarly, thousands of college students encounter University departments whose only practical justification is to insure that more black students are admitted and more black professors hired. That struggling blacks are given far more academic help, even academic free-rides by sympathetic teachers, compared to their white classmates is hardly hidden.
Meanwhile, overwhelmingly black cities like Newark, NJ, Camden, NJ, Baltimore, MD, East St. Louis, Ill., Gary, IN, and Detroit, MI, among countless others have sunk into near Third-World depravity despite billions in aid and black political domination (so much for the argument that blacks bring a special expertise to the table). The federal government itself has regularly proclaimed this No Progress verdict loudly with woeful reports on education, income, welfare dependency, crime, illegitimacy, drug addiction, AIDS and whatever else was supposed to disappear thanks to these preferences.
Only the most steadfast supporters of Affirmative Action outwardly proclaim progress. Nearly everyone else knows it to be a lie.
What is seldom appreciated in this racial spoils system is its "efficiency" in generating resentment among those not on the gravy train.
Consider the anger-generating arithmetic of racial preferences in employment though the same logic holds for college admissions. Suppose 50 candidates apply for five jobs at IBM and the firm objectively ranks them top to bottom. Assume the most qualified black candidate is ranked 25, and to fend off lawsuits, he is hired instead of number 5, a white candidate. How many whites have actually lost their jobs due to Affirmative Action? The correct answer is one, candidate #5. But since numbers 5 through 24 scored higher than the hired black, 20 whites "honestly" (but incorrectly) see themselves as victims of reverse discrimination.
Given the ubiquity of this moving-blacks-up-the-line pattern annually, across untold areas, it is an incredible machine for generating racial animosity—hundreds, perhaps thousands, of angry white males for every black hired at IBM or admitted to Yale.
Legitimacy is further undermined by accidents of geography, married names, and savvy politicking (and this excludes outright frauds like black "front" companies or misrepresenting one racial/ethnic identity). Vagueness is often the tip off to the corruption. Not even a team of Talmudic scholars working 24/6 might delineate differences between "minority", "disadvantaged", "discriminated against", "the historically under-represented", "the poor", "people of color", "under-privileged", and similar brain-clouding euphemism that may or may not reflect race and ethnicity, but seek to avoid laws banning racial preferences.
The Nazis’ Nuremberg Laws on racial purity were at least unambiguous. We now live in a world where women are a "minority", dark-skinned Asian Indians "white", while a youngster whose father has a Spanish-sounding last name may go to Harvard as an AA admit but would be rejected if named Smith though his mother was a Gonzales.
The "Native American" population has exploded thanks to the benefits of Affirmative Action (recall how Ward Churchill declared himself a "Native American" though he was a man without a tribe). Are Portuguese-speaking Brazilians "Hispanics"? (Apparently not, I’m told.) But Mayans from Mexico without a trace of Spanish ancestry who can’t speak Spanish are!
Blacks with parents who emigrated from the Caribbean have hit the Affirmative Action jackpot when applying to Ivy League schools, much to the outrage of American blacks who might insist that being a descendent of a slave in Jamaica doesn’t count. Meanwhile, thousands of "disadvantaged" students from wealthy African families gain undeserved entry to top schools by today’s equivalent of divine right.
Bizarre, resentment-provoking examples aside, easily overlooked is how administering the racial spoils system awards immense power to obscure, unelected bureaucrats or judges. They decide, for example, that Iranians are "white" but Hasidic Jews are protected "minorities" in awarding government contracts. And who decides whether someone is "really" black though he or she may pass as "white"? Such capriciousness makes a mockery of rule of law.
Similar inexactitudes surround establishing "bias" in tests, Some Affirmative Action defenders insist that written tests inherently, though mysteriously, discriminate against blacks, who are allegedly more comfortable with a difficult-to-define style of verbal discourse.
As the original "a little help in the footrace" rationale for racial preferences becomes antiquated, updated justifications are required. These increasingly become surrealistic jokes. Not even fact-twisting apparatchiki who extolled the latest Five Year Plan could out-brag the University president who informs the freshman class that recruiting unqualified, semi-literate blacks to campus improves education for everyone by increasing diversity. (Perhaps he means that the basketball and football teams will improve). And to compound this blatant mendacity, he stresses that these diversity recruits actually meet the university’s highest intellectual standards—though, as everyone will see, they are immediately enrolled in remedial courses.
Kafkaesque lying for racial justice hardly embarrasses anyone. In the battle over Michigan’s Anti-Affirmative Action initiative, General Colin Powell insisted that America’s national defense in an increasingly multi-cultural world required admitting hordes of sub-par students who would probably not graduate—or, if they did, only with diplomas in ideologically-infused fields like Ethnic Studies.
What all of this adds up to is a failed, increasingly convoluted social engineering scheme tottering on the edge.
Of course, nearly all "respectable" politicians refuse to admit this inconvenient truth in public. At most they might privately dismiss it by saying that America can afford the cost—and most critically, that the spoils system sustains decades of racial peace, no small accomplishment for those who remember 1960s "burn baby, burn" urban riots.
The apt parallel may be the welfare reform of the 1990s. That ended decades of debilitating, family-destroying "compassion" which was nevertheless long thought to be politically sacrosanct.
Similarly, nearly all Americans would welcome ending all the lies necessary to keep Affirmative Action going.
It’s time to pull the plug.
Robert Weissberg [email him] is Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, University of Illinois, Urbana and currently Adjunct Professor of Politics (Graduate), New York University.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

This Weeks Ponderances

Whale Wars. Should be Whale LOSERS. The stupid bastards are shooting their only survival flares at a Jap ship. WTF? Their first matey Pete, contradicts himself by saying, and I quote: "It should be stopped" after he states that the whaling ships are fishing in a sanctuary. If it was in a fucking SANCTUARY, asshole, the JAPS wouldn't be there, you stupid, hippy faggot! He later declares after the crew of stink bomb throwing hoologans get LRAD'ed into cowardess, that "they just upped the anti", like they are really going to do a damn thing ANYWAYS! The Japs took a whale right in front of them! How fucking effective does one have to be to protect a whale? DUH! I've said it before, I've never seen a bigger colection of pussies and losers on one ship.


What do you fall it when you take a shit on a fold out couch and then close the couch back up?
A Mexican waffle.


Seems South Florida, with all it's glorified DI-VER-SI-TAH, has a new problem. Horse meat. That's right. The illegal, non-white, turd world socio-parasites are stealing horses right out of peoples stables and butchering them. http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=14611
What kind of douchebag piece of shit kills a horse anyways? I guess they got tired of slaughtering GOATS in their living rooms and eating up all those stray cats and dogs so horses are next on their appetites. Just another reason to deport all non-whites.


The Hitler, I mean History Channel did a Jesse James show last night: "Jesse James: Legend, Outlaw, Terrorist". TERORIST???? Give me a fucking BREAK you cocksucking KIKE assholes! You fucking hollywitz yids throw words like that around like a fucking hot potato trying to make himn out to be a what? Terrorist?? What a bunch of asshole baby-raping cocksuckers! Fuck Hollywood propaganda lies and all those jew producers! 6 MILLION MORE! 6 MILLION MORE! 6 MILLION MORE!


Piece of shit nigger imported baseball player julio Castillo was found guilty, guilty, GUILTY of asault when he threw a ball into the stands, busting some moron who watches imported niggers play a jew-owned franchise and pays too much for bball hyped trash. Nigger got 30 days and fines and will hopefully, be deported BACK to his turd world Dominican Republic where they won't care if he can't speak fucking ENGLISH! GOOD RIDDANCE NIGGER!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Random Thoughts and Irritants

I used to watch the show "House" with Hugh Laurie. I hadn't seen it in a year or so and what do I see on the very first new episode? Nigger Dr. Foreman and the other Dr., who happens to be white, blonde, blue-eyed, doing each other. How fucking disgusting! No wonder I quit watching that trash. Just ANOTHER Hollywitz attempt to desensitize us to niggers fucking our white women. Hey hollywitz-KISS MY WHITE ASS!


Tim Geithner, our Secretary of the Treasury, in an interview last week, assures us that it's going to get worse and that the tax hikes are going to hit us all hard. His stupid fucking remark was "money has to come from somewhere". No shit asshole! Where did the BILLIONS of dollars come from that we paid those cocksuckers at GM to fuck the workers unemployment benefits by thechnicality while giving themselves MILLION dollar severance packages and million dollar annual retirements? I yearn for the good old days when fucking cocksuckers like him were tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail!


Americas Most Wanted is a fucking scam too! That asshole John Bunghole Benella has put people on the show for PROBATION VIOLATIONS! I mean, what the fuck? My good friend John Snyder, who has PAID his debt to society, is on their bullshit list because he's pro-white and a Nazi. Why that asshole Bunnell has HIM on the show, for NO reason, is beyond me. Just for kike ratings. OH MY A BIG BAD NAZI IS WANTED . Hey John Bunnell, SUCK MY FUCKING COCK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE PIECE OF SHIT! Kike faggot!


"Whale Wars". Ahhh...what can I say about THOSE fucking losers? Once again, they have manage3d to fuck up the most simple of operations and screw the pooch. The Japs used an LRAD on them this week, hitting the helicopter, which as exciting. I was hoping to see it crash and burn all over the ocean. Some stupid commie bitch whined :"It's not fair when they use our own tactics against us.". WWWAAAAUUUGGGGHHH! Cry me a river you stupid tree-huggingn cunt! Obviously, the smartest thing out of HER mouth is her step-daddys dick! They all come on saying 'we'll DIE for the whales!' but when it comes down to it, they're just a bunch of fucking nutless, spineless, no-conviction pussies! Let's hope they got run over by a harpoon ship.


Nat Geo channel sucks ASS! It's SUPPOSED to be the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL, NOT the HITLER Channel! Every week those fucking kike cocksuckers come out with some re-used, re-editied, re-hashed, same old bullshit propaganda footage that we've seen a thousand times before but with a new kike twist on the plot of some bullshit kike lies.


little kike faggot Danny Dobson has once again tried to infiltrate my yahoo group why_hate_israel. Stupid cocksucker! Then he whines like a bitch when he's denied. He'll cry about it in other groups, try to get the group deleted by sending multiple complaints to yahoo abuse, saying it's anti-semitic or racist. I'd love to read about his obituary. In fact, when that fucking cocksucker dies, I'm going to make a trip to wherever they plant his ass and piss all over his grave and then shit copious amounts all over his head stone, followed by a great splashing of pigs blood.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Of Race, Gender and justice-Sotomayorr-Rhymes with WHORE

Of Race, Gender and Justice

This week I was asked to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding
the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Here's what I

I testify today not as a wise Latina woman, but as an American who believes that
skin color and national origin should not determine who gets a job, promotion,
or public contract, or who gets into college or receives a scholarship.

My message today is straightforward. Do not vote to confirm Judge Sonia
Sotomayor. I say this with some regret, because I believe Judge Sotomayor's
personal story is an inspiring one, which proves that this is truly a land of
opportunity where circumstances of birth and class do not determine whether you
can succeed.

Unfortunately, based on her statements both on and off the bench, I do not
believe Judge Sotomayor necessarily shares that view. It is clear from her
record that she has drunk deep from the well of identity politics. I know a lot
about that well, and I can tell you that it is dark and poisonous. It is, in my
view, impossible to be a fair judge and also believe that one's race, ethnicity,
and sex should determine how someone will rule as a judge.

Despite her assurances to this Committee over the last few days that her
statement that "a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would
more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived
that life" was simply "a rhetorical flourish that fell flat," nothing could be
further from the truth. Judge Sotomayor's words weren't uttered off the cuff.
They were carefully crafted, repeated — not just once or even twice — but at
least seven times over several years. If Judge Sotomayor were a white man who
suggested that whites or males made better judges, we would not be having this
discussion because the nominee would have been forced to withdraw once those
words became public.

Judge Sotomayor's offensive words are a reflection of her much greater body of
work as an ethnic activist and judge. Identity politics is at the core of who
this woman is. And let me be clear here, I am not talking about the
understandable pride in one's ancestry or ethnic roots, which is both common and
natural in a country as diverse and pluralistic as ours.
Identity politics involves a sense of grievance against the majority, a feeling
that racism permeates American society and its institutions, and the belief that
members of one's own group are victims in a perpetual power struggle with the

From her earliest days at Princeton University and later Yale Law School to her
12-year involvement with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund to
her speeches and writings, including her jurisprudence, Judge Sotomayor has
consistently displayed an affinity for such views.

As an undergraduate, she actively pushed for race-based goals and timetables in
faculty hiring.

In her senior thesis, she refused to identify the U.S. Congress by its proper
name, instead referring to it as the "North American Congress" or the "Mainland

During her tenure with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, she
urged quota-seeking lawsuits challenging civil-service exams.

She opposed the death penalty as racist.

She made dubious arguments in support of bilingual education and tried to equate
English language requirements with national origin discrimination.

As a judge, she dissented from an opinion that the Voting Rights Act does not
give prison inmates the right to vote.

Finally, and perhaps most dramatically, she showed in the New Haven firefighters
case a willingness to let her policy preferences guide her, ruling that it was
perfectly lawful for the city there to throw out the results of a promotion exam
because those who did well on it were the wrong color.

Although she has attempted this week to back away from her own words — and has
accused her critics of taking them out of context — the record is clear:
Identity politics is at the core of Judge Sotomayor's self-definition. It has
guided her involvement in advocacy groups, been the topic of much of her public
writing and speeches, and influenced her interpretation of law.

There is no reason to believe that her elevation to the Supreme Court will
temper this inclination, and much reason to fear that it will play an important
role in how she approaches the cases that will come before her if she is
confirmed. I therefore strongly urge you not to confirm Judge Sotomayor as an
associate justice of the Supreme Court.
